
學佛筆記(四):丹津·葩默演講筆記 (All by Tenzin Palmo)

在網誌裏發現一篇沒有發布的文章,其實是在達蘭薩拉Tushita Meditation Center聽Tenzin Palmo演講的筆記,跟大家分享。


Some notes taken in her speech.  (not word by word)

Life is a discovering journey, is not about where you get to, is about the discovering itself.   

What is perfection?  How to regain our innate nature?  To peel off all the worldly identification.

People have dissatisfaction (suffering) because of the false identification of the "I".

The seed of the sense of "I" is neither positive nor negative, it all depends on what we do with our ego.

If one of our arm has been inured before, we will tend to use it more carefully, while most of us just use our arms without much care.  Similarly, why we do everything to protect "the self", because of fear.    We don't have inner strength.  

The buddha called us "childish", because we are controlled by our feeling.

No matter where you go, you have your mind with you.  Isn't it nice to have a nice, friendly companion.  So you need to heal yourself first.   Deal with your mind skillfully.  If you can pet your dogs with kindness, you should tame your mind with kindness, too.  Unload the rocks on your back, don't let the dharma become extra rocks to you. 

To do a retreat is not about to get something, but about to lose something.    The idea to be a good practicer or longer session is also out of ego. 

Why meditate with breathe, cuz it is always present.

Most important is enthusiasm. Keep your practice simple and short.  Everything is your daily life is practice.  Observe our minds 24 hours without judging it.

想知道更多我的故事嗎? 到「漫話‧嬉遊‧記」的臉書粉絲團來幫我打氣吧~~

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