more pictures please check here 20111018_ruins in Uxmal,Mexico |

Bus to Uxmal ruins will take u one hour. Not very frequent, three departures in the morning and three returns from the site in the afternoon. Each way costs u 44 pesos. The return bus we took was supposed to pick us up around 5pm, but we got on the bus only after 6pm.
We were surprised to know this site, in addition to the 51 pesos ticket, requests 115 pesos for maintenance fee. Probably because it is really too popular and too many tourists. People all say, number 1 popular is Chichen Itza and Uxmal ranks the second. Palenque is number 3 popular now.
It was rainy, but only small showers on and off, and luckily I got a pair of Gore Tex.
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