
Day 9: A good lesson to learn on the way to Palenque, Mexio

Travelling was not all about good things, just I don’t expect the bad would come so soon. I read lots of other backpackers’ stories regarding theft in central and southern America and I think I have been very careful all the way. It just happened this morning, when I tried to fix my shoes, my bag disappeared in a few seconds, how did it happen?? I could not stop blaming myself for not being cautious enough. The bag is just a few second out of my vision and it is gone. It was a bad yet a good thing to happen at this point of my trip. Bad part is, it happened just one week after the trip started, good part is, I believe I will be even more cautious afterwards. Another bad part is, I lost not only my BRAND new laptop, but my BRAND new camera, yet, good part is my passport and all bank cards and credit cards are still with me. Thanks to my dearest friend John’s suggestion, I have a small concealed bag which is always attached to my waist, carrying all these important items.

Still feel sad, as I lost all the pictures of Monte Alban, which I really like to share with you. But, I still have to move on, not let this bad story affect my mood and destroy my trip, right?

It is stormy raining outside, like people always say, when the rain fades out, the sun is not far away.

5 意見 :

Learn and grow from experience, and the good part it enlarge your ability to face tough times, bad situation, lost of valuables, lost of friend or relative... These things are all unavoidable in life. Take care and travel safe, it's a long road.


Think u would make some comments on my English writing

No ah, I am not teaching English. 不知怎地,總是在字裡行間,覺得是很 Sophie's way of talking。像是你不是寫的,就是在旁邊說出來一模一樣。也不是行文裡有口語俗字,但一字一句看下去,你說話的聲音語調就跳躍出來。本想是中文入文;誰不知英文也是一樣。敢打賭要是有一篇半篇你找人代寫,馬上可以指出來。

But I don't think u heard a lot of me speaking in English