
Day 42: Antigua, Guatemala

Antigua, 45km west to Guatemala City, recognized as world heritage in 1979, Antigua is the capital of entire central America in 1543, when Spain built up its colony empire here.

The majority of the old town was destroyed in a big earthquake in 1773, the remaining ancient architectures are highly valued.

This very colorful colonial town is surrounded by three volcanos. Volcano Pacaya is active and most popular in Guatemala for volcano climbing activity.

This town is full of western tourists, evidence including spa and manicures/pedicures everywhere, all travel agencies quotation in USD, etc. Thus, everything is more pricy here.

It will not take you more than two or three hours to walk around the entire town. Most people would suggest you to join a tour if you want to climb a volcano or visit a coffee plant.

Since Guatemala City is quite dangerous now, Antigua became the main traffic center, I was back here only to catch the bus to Honduras Copan.

In the traditional market:

Nov 1st is the kite festival, kites are presented and sold everywhere here

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